RESOLVE MEDIATORS proudly supports the 19th ICC Mediation Competition

“RESOLVE Mediators” is proud to support the 19th ICC Mediation Competition as a “Friend of the Mediation Competition”. It’s the 4th time that we support the Competition as during the years 2021, 2002 and 2023 we proud Sponsors of it.

This year’s Competition will be held in Paris from the 5th – 10th of February 2023. Eleni Plessa, Mediator, Resolve’s Partner, Lawyer, and Trainer will take part as a Judge and  Antzela Botrou, Resolve’s Associate and Mediator will take part as a Mediation Session Supervisor.

The Competition is organized on an annual basis in Paris where student teams from Universities from all around the world participate in Mediation Sessions as parties and lawyers of a dispute. The Sessions are mediated by highly experienced Mediators who come from different parts of the world. Judges are also experienced Mediators who keep the score based on specific criteria set by the Competition’s Organizing Committee. The Competition lasts for 6 days, the academic level is very high and the opportunities for scientific discussions, networking, and professional training are unique for all the participants of the Competition.

We wish the best of luck to all the competing Teams, the Organising Committee, and Professionals that take part in the Competition.

Find more information about the Competition here.

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